Category: Artists

  • Dana Sherwood

    Title: Bacchanalia

  • Migle Narbutaite

    Lost suitcase causes not only a sense of nakedness but a major change in planned agenda, particularly in Islamic country where specific cultural norms and 49’C outside imprison at hotel. Physical dependence for material things,
 makes feeling of nakedness. The “life on the suitcase” learned to
to live with only most important things,
 what gave me…

  • Ulrike Feser

    Title: Arret la machine sammen med Nicolas Siepen og Tim Stüttgen

  • Nicolas Siepen

    Title: Arret la machine sammen med Ulrike Feser og Tim Stüttgen.

  • Richard Launder

    Title: Travels with my Granny & other memory-imprints… Documentation photo: Migle Narbutaite 

  • Margrethe Pettersen

  • Jeremy Welsh

    Title: Immemorial Documenatation photo: Migle Narbutaite. 

  • Tor Jørgen van Eijk

    About video. video is an autonomous language with its unique set of parameters from where all video art originates: i.e. video as a recording device of time instead of action- argues video arts tendencies to be slow, boring and without much happening. Video as a conceptual device- neither praised nor ridiculed by the artist´s technical…

  • Håvard Stamnes

  • Hege Wagtskjold Eriksen

      visual performance artist. Materials and props are chosen for each performance. My works exists in and revolves around the situation that becomes when I meet the audience.

  • Marit Victoria Wulff Andreassen

    Title: Tro, håp  og kjærlighet. Photo: Migle Narbutaite.

  • Tove Kommedal

    Tittel: JUST IN CASE Jeg jobber prosjektbasert med skulpturelle installasjoner, sosiopolitisk- og relasjonell estetikk. Prosjektene mine tar utgangspunkt i spenningsfeltet mellom det emosjonelle og det rasjonelle. Tilnærmingen min kan være konseptuell eller gjennom møter med materialet. Jeg er opptatt av estetisk- erfaring og erkjennelse – i dette har jeg et ønsker om å røre ved…

  • Hilde Hauan Johnsen

      Forheng, 2012, fra serien Behind The Curtain Idé: Hilde Hauan Johnsen Foto: Enok Karlsen Digital assistanse: Jeanett Goodwin Tilrettelegger for veving: Ulla Faartoft, Innvik Sellgren Vevd ved Innvik Sellgren AS (H 330 x B150)cm

  • Sindre Foss Skancke

  • Nina Björkendal

    Tittel: Monument Mitt arbeid dreier seg om mennesket og hvordan det speiler seg, interagerer og forholder seg til miljøet rundt. Hva får oss til å føle tilhørighet til andre mennesker, tiden og naturen? Vår tid i informasjonsalderen har blitt diagnostisert som en tid der alt eksisterer samtidig og at det ikke finnes noen form for…

  • Ragnhild Ohma

    Tittel: Selvportrett, mellom klokken og sengen

  • Suvi Nieminen

      Title: Hold   Documentation photo: Migle Narbutaite

  • Martin Woll Godal

    «Balance, repetition, composition … an underlying sense of the way it all fits together …» sitat: the Books, smells like content

  • Salvador Dalí

    Les Songes Drôlatiques De Pantagruel 1973 Litografií

  • Trine Hylander Friis

      Untitled, 2011 Inkjet print 60 x 89 cm Se også performance med Janna Thöle-Juul.  

  • Ingeborg Annie Lindahl

    Title: Confirmation bias paradigm

  • Anne Helen Mydland

    Title: Cutting word Documentation photo: Migle Narbutaite.

  • Hedvig Sønstabø Thorkildsen

    Title: Some things are never brought to an end Thematically her work centers around the modern human relationship with time and space. Our culture is dominated by rush and speed. Active rooms dominate our society. We are a part of this. Our understanding and experience of time is seen from the room we are in, the…

  • Rita Marhaug

    Tittel: Norwegian liquid Linken til Rita Marhaug.

  • Mirjam Raen Thomassen

      Tittel: Texere Hvordan evner mennesket å lese verden rundt seg? Hva er det som skal til for at noe blir leselig? Verbet «å lese» (av latin legere) har etymologisk opphav i «å plukke ut, samle sammen». Jeg er opptatt av hvordan språkets betydninger forandres i ulike kontekster. De ulike lagene med betydninger åpner opp…

  • Gro Gjengedal Navelsaker

  • Cecilia Jonsson

    Title: Terra incognita

  • Vilde Von Krogh

    Vilde von Krogh / Anne Sofie Helland / Emilia Fosshaug – Under vann

  • Tonje Bøe Birkeland

    Tonje Bøe Birkeland constructs characters through photography, text and objects. Her female figures balance on the border between fiction and reality, founded in the historical past and simultaneously extended self-portraits. One character is Tuva Tengel (1901-1985). Between 1927 and 1937 she travelled in the Gobi desert. The nomad’s pride has been a conserving force for…

  • Eamon O’Kane

    Title: Froebel

  • Janna Thöle-Juul

    Tittel: Jeg er et helt alminnelig menneske Performance med Trine Hylander Friis på Eksportkaia i Odda under åpningen av ODDS den 10. oktober 2012. Fjorden og fjellene i bakgrunn, skyene trekker og viser frem snødekkede fjell. En grå betongplatting, et ingenmannsland. To nakne kropper stiger opp, nærmer seg kanten, vandrer fra hverandre for å vende seg til…

  • Gisele Arias

      I see art as a form of meditation where I can only be with myself and explore, think, experiment and discover new ways of expression. I find inspiration in my own memories, mostly from my childhood, but I am mostly interested in working with the material and being spontaneous.  My starting point usually involves…

  • Kristina Daukintyte Aas

    Title: 77 Missing Peaces In my work I wish to question how we experience and see our physical surroundings. We take our senses for granted. We trust them 100% and think that they can describe the world as it is. There lies a big restriction. We can experience only specific wavelength of light or specific…

  • Tommy Olsson

      Titles from left: 1.I told her I like joy division she didn’t have a clue what I was talking about 2. S.S. 3. Self improvement is masturbation Documentation photo: Migle Narbutaite 

  • Daniela Ramos Arias

      Together with Gisele Arias Molina Title: Conversation 1. & 2. I base my work in my own personal life experience. I am trying to figure out who I am and who I am becoming. As an immigrant living in Norway I have had a very interesting experience adapting to this new culture and society.…

  • Jane Sverdrupsen

      Title: Mapping of infant- Estimated skull parts   I exploit scientific facts, theories and the manipulative aesthetics of scientific mediation in my work. The aim is to challenge the viewer’s perception and receptivity to these allegedly objective sources of knowledge. Contrasts between the used visual language and the actual content of the information presented become…